
Random Ramblings... Hopefully They Make Some Sort of Sense

Monday, January 01, 2007

I'm Back (Again)

No... I haven't been in hiding... Just busy with a tendency to forget I have a blog :-)

I remembered today though... Although it helped that I'm kind bored since I don't have work or school today and I'm stuck waiting for at least another couple of hours for the next season of my current obsession to finish downloading.

I do have some great news though... I'm going to grooming school at the end of this month! :-) They haven't officially decided at which salon they are going to hold the academy yet and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that its not at my salon though. There really just isn't enough room in our salon anymore to fit another 6 people! Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I also have some sad news... My rat Katy had to have surgery to remove a large mammary tumor early last month. She's all healed up and doing okay now, but sadly the mass is coming back :( I don't think it would be fair to put her through another surgery, so I really don't know what to do now. I guess I need to take her back to the vet and talk about what my options are now. Rats really are hard on the heart to love.

I guess the only other news that I have to report is that I've also decided to teac myself how to crochet this winter break. It is kind of fun and keeps my hands busy. So far I've only done a bunch of swatches to practice my stitces, but I think my first project is going to be an afgan. I have to find some nice yarn and enough of it first though :-P

Anyways... I guess that's it for this update... Hopefully I'll be back before this month is up ;-)


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