
Random Ramblings... Hopefully They Make Some Sort of Sense

Friday, June 09, 2006

Pet Peeve #6

High pitched, sickingly sweet, load of crap baby talk! Now I'm not talking about the regular baby talk that we are all guilty off every once in a while... I don't mind that, especially since most dog groomers and bathers talk to their dogs like that fairly often (including me). What I'm talking about is the baby talk that is completly fake... where you can tell the person has abosolutly no affection for whoever or whatever they are talking to. I'm talking about the baby talk that makes your ears hurt and that makes you want to throw up or strangle someone. I'm talking about the baby talk that a bad person uses to try to convince the other being that they are not in fact bad. That kind of baby talk just makes me want to scream!

What's makes it even worse is if you combine it with my pet peeve #5! That's what I have to deal with somedays and its awful!


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