
Random Ramblings... Hopefully They Make Some Sort of Sense

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I Remember When...

Recently two of the girls at work have found men of their own who they are gaga over :) They are so excited and happy (and most everyone at work is happy for them) All the talk of new romance has me remembering the beginning of my own a little more than three years ago :)

Believe it or not, Chris and I met in a class titled Sex and Today's World. (It was actually more about than the biology of reproduction.. Not about human sexual behavior.. That was a different class) It was cold out so he was wearing a sweatshirt... I was wearing like four sweaters :) Our first "date" was to Denny's where a lesbian complimented my shoes. The first time he held my hand was soooooo sweet and cute that I'll never, ever forget it.

One of the first things that really amazed and attracted me to Chris was that unless he was at work or in class he was always willing to hang out with me, and I didn't even have to ask him. He invited me everywhere that he went, even with his friends or family. He never got sick of having me around... He still hasn't. That was the very first thing that made me realize how much I love him.

*happy sigh*

I really do thank my lucky stars that I found Chris (and that we get along so well that me must have been made for each other :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

1:03 AM  

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