
Random Ramblings... Hopefully They Make Some Sort of Sense

Monday, June 05, 2006


I had a great day at work today! There was only one little thing... I started have back pain :( I do a lot of bending over and squatting down in my job, as well as some wrestling with obese goldens and ornary bassets, so you'd probably say "Duh!" but its not lower back pain that you'd expect. Its this weird sharp pain that feels like its right behind or next to my right should blade. It doesn't really hurt when I'm sitting or laying straight, but it does hurt when I'm bent over for any length of time. It's just kind of weird. I hope it goes away soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

1:03 AM  

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