
Random Ramblings... Hopefully They Make Some Sort of Sense

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Pet Peeve #9

People who say they are going to do something, and then never do!

Example, John says "I'll call you later" and I don't here from John for like two days!

I'll call you later ALWAYS means later today... not two days from now or sometime next week! If you're gonna call me two days from now then say "I'll call you in two days" and actually do it! Being busy is not an excuse either... I don't care if you just call and say "I'm calling you because I said I would, but I'm really busy so can't really chat" as long as you actually call... I mean it only takes like friggin thirty seconds... If you don't have thirty seconds in your day to devote to me than why should I bother even talking to you?



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