
Random Ramblings... Hopefully They Make Some Sort of Sense

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Lonely Saturday Nights

Alright people... I really need to find things to do on Saturday nights! Since Chris has his clan scrims on Saturdays I can't even talk to him... That doesn't mean I can't have a life though... I just need to think of some fun things to do and find people to do them with me :-P Anyone have any ideas?

[Edit] Fridays night too actually.. that's when he has his practices (yeah... we're a really exciting couple... can't you tell?)

Pet Peeve #9

People who say they are going to do something, and then never do!

Example, John says "I'll call you later" and I don't here from John for like two days!

I'll call you later ALWAYS means later today... not two days from now or sometime next week! If you're gonna call me two days from now then say "I'll call you in two days" and actually do it! Being busy is not an excuse either... I don't care if you just call and say "I'm calling you because I said I would, but I'm really busy so can't really chat" as long as you actually call... I mean it only takes like friggin thirty seconds... If you don't have thirty seconds in your day to devote to me than why should I bother even talking to you?


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Pet Peeve #7 and #8

Feeling left out of the loop! (Even if the loop is just Chris and a couple of his buddies talking online) Yeah... I know... This just goes to show you how nosey I am, but its still my newest pet peeve! I have a feeling its going to get worse too now that Chris has been promoted.


Furthermore, related to being left out, I've also realized that I HATE people dragging the person I'm with away to talk to them.. That's so friggin rude! It's never happened to me in real life that I can remember, but it happened the other day online and it annoyed the crap out of me! In real life nobody would ever drag Chris into another room to talk to him if I was there! (At least nobody I know!) Grrrr!

Alright... I think I'm done for now... I feel better getting that off my chest.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Something New!

I've found a new way to occupy my time! I've discovered Halo for the PC.. specifically race. I didn't think I'd like it, but I'm getting a kick out of it! Maybe I'll even join a clan like Chris :-)

I am especially happy right now too because for the first time I did the best! In one match I scored the most laps, and without me my team probably would've lost (unless they had a better player in my place of course) Yay! Here's the proof... (My halo name is Karma)

Don't worry.. I promise not to get big headed about this :-P Just nice to see your name at the top every once in a while ;)

Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Retraction

Apparently Chris' online gaming buddy didn't actually win any money! He lied to everybody about it. Nobody can really understand why and everyone in their clan is rather annoyed about it. I still wish I had $250,000 though!

My Top Three

Marlina said that I'm one of those... One of those people who can't decide what breed of dog is my favorite. I suppose this may be true... I like a lot of different types of dogs and I always find myself saying "If I was going to have a dog, I'd want a _____ ." All in all though three breeds really stand out so far. I've had the best experiences with these three breeds in the salon and in my own personal experience before I started working as a bather. (They aren't in any particular order)

#1... Pit Bulls (or breeds that most people would refer to as a pit bull)
I've never met a pit bull that I didn't like. Despite what a lot of people think pit bulls are usually very people friendly dog. I love the muscle bound look too :)

#2... Greyhounds
This is the only one of the three breeds that I didn't have any experience with before I started at the salon. Again, they have the muscle bound look which I like, but what I really like about greyhounds is that they are sooo sweet! They are also very quiet and usually very well behaved even when they are scared. I also love that they are typically very low energy dogs since I"m a rather low energy kind of girl :)

#3... Old English Mastiffs
I've only known a few mastiffs, but the couple that I've known have made quite the impression. They are big and drooly but they are quiet, calm, and sweet. They are also wonderful watch dogs without ever really being agressive or unfriendly. They are also very gentle for their size... When I was in the third grade I used to wrestle in the grass with a 150lb mastiff name Carlie that wouldn't hurt a fly, even if she looked like she'd take you down.

Now, theres a fair chance that I'll add to this list as I get to know more about all the different breeds. German Shepards may end up being number four... I've had mostly good experiences with them so far. My very first request dog, whom I love, is a Shepard named Fritz :) I'm not sure that any small dogs will ever make it to the top of the list though :P I'll keep y'all updated.

Please note that while I may have some favorite breeds, there aren't really any breeds that I hate. I've had good experiences even with the breeds that I've had the most bad experiences with.... You can't judge a dog by its breed!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Pet Peeve #6

High pitched, sickingly sweet, load of crap baby talk! Now I'm not talking about the regular baby talk that we are all guilty off every once in a while... I don't mind that, especially since most dog groomers and bathers talk to their dogs like that fairly often (including me). What I'm talking about is the baby talk that is completly fake... where you can tell the person has abosolutly no affection for whoever or whatever they are talking to. I'm talking about the baby talk that makes your ears hurt and that makes you want to throw up or strangle someone. I'm talking about the baby talk that a bad person uses to try to convince the other being that they are not in fact bad. That kind of baby talk just makes me want to scream!

What's makes it even worse is if you combine it with my pet peeve #5! That's what I have to deal with somedays and its awful!

Pet Peeve #5

People who are oh so nice to you to your face but who talk about you the second you leave the room! I mean.. come on... if your going to talk shit about me then at least don't waste your energy pretending you like me! Or at the very least realize that 8 out of 9 of the other people that may be around are going to tell me exactly what you said about me behind my back! Grrrr

On the other hand, if you are talking about how cool I am, you can do that behind my back all you want :-)

I Missed A Good Day

Damn work schedule... I got screwed!

Well not really, but I'm jealous... All the cool people worked today and our manager, the un-cool people, and I didn't! Why couldn't the all the cool people day have been yesterday or tomo? :-P (I had to have today off for school)

Oh well... At least they told me I can still be in their secret club! :-)

Thursday, June 08, 2006

My Fuzzy Love

This is Squirt a.k.a. Weinie a.k.a. Roni :-) He is my right hand boy and the fuzzy love of my life. You can't see it here but he's got little white armpits! He's almost three years old, though he still acts like a kitten. And yes... He's a spoiled little prince :-)

He's a talkative mamma's boy... Doesn't really like to hang out with his dad much. He loves to hang out with me though :-) In this picture he is waking up from a short nap on my tummy.

Monday, June 05, 2006


I've got pretty much everything I need in my life. There is one thing could use more of though....

I must admit... Making and having so little money gets on one's last nerve.
One of Chris' online gaming pals recently won $250,000! Oh what I wouldn't do to have an extra $250,000! For that matter what I wouldn't do to make a few extra hundred dollars a month. I suppose that will have to wait until I hopefully, eventually become a groomer :-P Until then I bide my time... quietly plotting to give some of the groomers a run for their money ;-) Well... At least to do as good a job :-)


I had a great day at work today! There was only one little thing... I started have back pain :( I do a lot of bending over and squatting down in my job, as well as some wrestling with obese goldens and ornary bassets, so you'd probably say "Duh!" but its not lower back pain that you'd expect. Its this weird sharp pain that feels like its right behind or next to my right should blade. It doesn't really hurt when I'm sitting or laying straight, but it does hurt when I'm bent over for any length of time. It's just kind of weird. I hope it goes away soon!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Its Rough...

Being So Darn Cute!
This is Ani. She's a blue agouti hooded girl. She's also the biggest, roundest, and oldest of my four rattie girls :)

This picture is also my most viewed, most favorited, and most commented on picture of all the pictures I have posted on my Flickr!

Pet Peeve #4

Not being able to speak in my own house! It's getting really obnoxious that I have to be careful what I say because Chris is playing Halo online with a bunch of people who consider hell to be a curse word!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I Remember When...

Recently two of the girls at work have found men of their own who they are gaga over :) They are so excited and happy (and most everyone at work is happy for them) All the talk of new romance has me remembering the beginning of my own a little more than three years ago :)

Believe it or not, Chris and I met in a class titled Sex and Today's World. (It was actually more about than the biology of reproduction.. Not about human sexual behavior.. That was a different class) It was cold out so he was wearing a sweatshirt... I was wearing like four sweaters :) Our first "date" was to Denny's where a lesbian complimented my shoes. The first time he held my hand was soooooo sweet and cute that I'll never, ever forget it.

One of the first things that really amazed and attracted me to Chris was that unless he was at work or in class he was always willing to hang out with me, and I didn't even have to ask him. He invited me everywhere that he went, even with his friends or family. He never got sick of having me around... He still hasn't. That was the very first thing that made me realize how much I love him.

*happy sigh*

I really do thank my lucky stars that I found Chris (and that we get along so well that me must have been made for each other :)

The Itch....

I think I've got that itch again... The 'it is time for a new, cool, and expensive cell phone' itch! It didn't take me too long to find the new phone that I now want... Now I just have to figure out a way to pay for it!

Its a Nokia N71. It has a ton of features, some of which I won't even be able to use in the U.S. Apparently its a slightly improved, clamshell version of my beloved N70. I can already tell you I'll love it based on two facts... #1) Its a Nokia and #2) It uses Symbian S60 :) It doesn't hurt that it has a 2.4" diagonal screen either! (That's pretty big as far as non-touch screen cell phones go)

The only question is if I can go back to using a clamshell... I've been using swivel or candybar phones for a while now. It should be fine though I long as I can get used to not having the big LCD on the outside anymore :-P